Sunday, April 10, 2011


So I had a quick stop on the last one. Juno's this year were pretty amazing. The live show was impressive, Canada is the best country I love living here. Drake was actually really funny. I was so surprised... I didn't watch Degrassi or anything so I guess I don't know much about his acting abilities but I loved it. Old Money skit was so funny I think I have showed every person I run into that video. Even the homeless are starting to tell me to fuck off about it. Jokes. They love it... jokes I don't talk to homeless people.. jokes I love talking to homeless people... jokes I don't but not that I wouldn't... jokes I just don't have the opportunity very often... jokes?? not that I want the opportunity.... *silence* So the show was good... after the show I met up with Bandizzle and had way too much fun and drinks at the Drake 'after party'. I guess you could say we got crunk? I also never knew Pags could booty pop. Learn something new every night. It was Drake's 'Official' after party...I don't think I have ever seen so many girls in one place in my entire life. And I am a girl... you would think I would have access to girl type things that could potentially attract the female demographic. There were more dudes at the Sex and the City movie premiere. There were more dudes at Lilith fair... jokes I didn't go to Lilith fair... jokes not that I wouldn't have I am just not a lesbian... jokes there is nothing wrong with lesbians... jokes... my sister is a lesbian... No joke... Alright I am done.. Anyway it was a lot of fun the music was amazing it was like they pulled every single one of the songs off our party play lists. Every time someone throws a party they make a party play list. This one was New Years Fuck It Or Die Play List 2009. So yah we had to leave and go to the Liberty Grand Industry party so we left right after Drake arrived. We happened to be standing right by where Drake and his like 30 people guest list of people were sitting. As soon as they came out its like everyone turned into a mix between the walking dead and some type of mob in a scene in a movie where everyone figured out the world is about to end and start panicking. All I remember is saying " Oh Drake showed up---" and suddenly the smell of rum and coke became shockingly strong as my drink was volleyball bumped into my face. My friend were suddenly swallowed up my a sea of star struck 20 - 30 something year old women wearing stage make up. I actually have not been in a mosh bit since I went to see Thrice at the Docks (Sound Academy) back in like 2005. And my friends had no complains cause 2/3 are dudes and had not felt that much ass and tits on multiple locations of their bodies at the same time since.... well ever. So yah we left and went to the Liberty grand. I was really drunk I think I am remembering the name right its like right beside Muzik like 5 min walk down the street. It was fun it was the Juno sponsored label party. Open bar didn't help my hang over... since I was already pretty trashed. Highlights included Chromio dance party, they are so cute. Down With Webster, I am wrong but the Black (probably half white) guy in Down With Webster is super super sexy with sun glasses on. I am down... Actually Cam is hot also...I am double down. Singer looks like he would cry after sex. Umm what else... oh I avoided one of the biggest (bother figurative and literally) from Universal due to the fact that last open bar party Cala told him off in a bad (good) way. Cala was in the right this guy is a huge douche bag... Anyway... uhh I don't know I danced all night... went home and had a mini after party at like 4 am with Cala where we you tubed videos of babies doing funny things. The End.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tea Cups, Strawberries and Horse Racing.

Last night I stayed in and probably had a little bit 2 much wine playing board games with my crew. I think the best Saturdays start off pretty much like today. Wake up with the sun in your eyes. Roll over ---the next part can make or break the perfect Saturday. So ya... you roll over and for about 30 seconds you try to decide if you are hung out to dry or not. Today I did the roll over... a slow sit up... a little bit of a head shake to feel things out. But like any grand Saturday morning I had little to no sign of the night prior. Amazing. Next step jump up and get on the phone... breakfast is the only thing that matters. Even tho there are several other things that would seem more important they just are not. "Why don't I have my credit cards?" "Who's phone is in my wallet" "Where did my bra go?" "Why do I have a postcard from comfort zone in my wallet?!" But no... none of that matters because it's time for breakfast. Within 5 mins everyone I know has already realized the same thing and we have agreed on a location. Now its time to go.... "Wait where did I leave my car last night? Never mind no time for this..." haha Anyway yah, so breakfast... After breakfast is weather... if the weather is bad it doesn't matter how great you feel or how great your spinach omelet was the day sucks. So however, today is probably the nicest day in 2011 so far... so Ill give that a check! Now after that you need 2 more things in order to make it a perfect day. 1. You need something to do during the day in order to feel productive. You can't just eat your breakfast, enjoy the weather walking in and out of the car, you need something. So today the Grand National is on... and for anyone who knows horse racing this is a pretty big deal it's like the British Kentucky Derby. Alright I am not going to pretend I am an avid horse Derby hat wearing enthusiast, BUT I enjoy having something to do. So I figure this is a decent way to spend some free time on a Saturday. I have a tea cup as usual, lemon water, some strawberries and black berries and the Grand National. Now okay that part isn't really that great but whatever that's why I am taking a break to write this. Now the final most important step to having a great Saturday is.... drum roll? Something going on in the evening obvi! I am heading out downtown with Kris and SD. We are going to be stopping off at a few different locations and meeting up with a couple of groups of people. Can't wait I think we are going to Cabin 5 at some point. Why do I love Cabin 5 so much? Is it dancing on the bars? or ski shots that do it? Unsure... ANYWAY... I hope everyone else had a great Saturday was well!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Yah okay, I have not been on here in a while it seems. So yah I ended up getting home from Palmsprings. Thats not important that was so like 3 weeks ago. Anyway, so what's new... ummm I have like 2 mins to write this. -Moving -Purchasing a new ride -Went to the JackAss Launch Party -Partied wayyyy to hard after the Junos -Heading to Palmsprings again for Coachella next week -Getting home just in time to go to the BB launch party on Monday -Launching the new PB by BB next week. -Throwing a party welcoming me to my new home first week of May. (Theme 'Push Back to Prom') Yah you can figure it out... cited! -New lingerie line being completed end of May. 1. Moving... yah this isn't very interesting actually. I am moving. I need more space of my own and my own dedicated studio for photography and designing. So yah I am moving, new place the living space is bigger and better and I have an entire working studio attached the size of my current condo it's pretty amazing acutally. I am pretty excited. It will make it a lot easier to do shoots and stay up late at night working on clothes and stuff so I am pumped. I have already started furnishing it haha I move at the end of April. 2.New ride. No sure what to get ... help me. I am thinking convertable. I am not sure if that's because I am excited for summer or because I am stupid and forgot I live in Canada... oh well.... oooooops no more time.... bye bye bye